Educators: Are You Coping or Just Surviving?
As an educator, do you find it challenging to manage your job and prioritize self-care? This website is here to assist you in navigating your work demands while also prioritizing self-care
Scroll through the slides to learn more

Who is considered an educator?
(hover over for more)

Educators are individuals who work in educational settings to assist students and help shape their academic and personal growth.
A Guide for Educators Facing Challenges with Self-Care
We aim to:
Offer you insights and practical advice on self-care.
Help you remain resilient and effective in your role
and discover a healthier and happier you.

Many educators face a combination of challenging classroom behaviors, inadequate resources, and excessive demands that lead to emotional exhaustion, high levels of stress, and pervasive burnout (Bettini et al., 2019; Gilmour et al., 2022).

It is essential to be aware of the signs of burnout to obtain a healthy work-life balance
What is burnout?
It is a syndrome that clearly manifests with symptoms of exhaustion, decreased empathy, and reduced professional accomplishment (Parker et al., 2023)
These include but are not limited to:
Mental and Physical exhaustion
Emotionally drained
Difficulty keeping up with demands
Loss of interest in things you cared about

What is survival mode?

Survival mode is when someone is under constant stress and feels like they can't relax. They may feel like their plate is already full and can't handle any more tasks. This can lead to a sense of hopelessness or a desire to give up.

What is coping?
Coping refers to the process of successfully managing or handling a difficult situation or circumstance. It is a complex psychological phenomenon that requires a range of skills and strategies (Skibniewski-Woods, 2022).
Coping is used to:
Decrease the intensity of negative emotions.​
Maintain mental and emotional well-being.